With the RBA decision on Tuesday, the focus has been on mortgage-holders celebrating their first interest rate relief since the cash rate was dropped to 0.10% (not a misprint) in November 2020.

Even four percentage points higher at 4.10%, borrowers have welcomed the reprieve from what was Australia's highest cash rate in more than 13 years.

But what about savers who've been earning some decent interest on their funds in recent times?

The mood is a little less jubilant, particularly if forecasts of another two or three interest rate cuts this year play out.

But this is getting a little ahead of ourselves, particularly with Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock reminding us the labour market remains strong, suggesting inflationary pressures may still be lurking.

Term deposit rates have been falling for months in preparation for the long-anticipated cash rate cut.

The highest rate on the market remains a flat 5.00% p.a. for six months at MyState Bank and Illawarra Credit Union with many former market leaders falling below the magic 5% mark over the past couple of months.

So, let's check the latest market movements.

Westpac drops TD rates by up to 25 bp

The big banks rarely lead the market in term deposit interest rates but Westpac's new rates, announced Friday morning, are particularly lacklustre.

None of its new rates features a four in front, although its fixed rate special offer of 4.70% p.a. (online only) for 11 months remains unchanged for deposits of $5,000 to $5 million.

Below are Westpac's new rates for deposits of between $5,000 and $2 million:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
3 months -0.25 3.00% p.a. End of term
4 months -0.20 3.15% p.a. End of term
5 months -0.20 3.25% p.a. End of term
6 months -0.20 3.40% p.a. End of term
7 months -0.10 3.50% p.a. End of term
8 months -0.20 3.60% p.a. End of term
9 months -0.25 3.75% p.a. End of term
10 months -0.20 3.80% p.a. End of term
11 months -0.20 3.80% p.a. End of term
3 years -0.20 3.40% p.a. Annually
4 years -0.20 3.40% p.a. Annually
5 years -0.20 3.40% p.a. Annually

The rates drop by five basis points for monthly repayments.

The Westpac-owned stable of banks - St George Bank, Bank of Melbourne, and BankSA - also announced term deposit rate cuts.

The rates for terms under a year are in line with the parent bank although allow for lower deposits between $1,000 and $2 million.

In addition, there is a hefty 50 basis point cut in the two-year rate to 3.30% p.a. with interest paid annually.

The three-, four-, and five-year rates are also lower at 3.30% p.a. for annual payments and 3.25% p.a. for monthly.

Macquarie trims shorter-term rates for $1m+ deposits

Macquarie Bank has shaved five basis points off its three- and four-month rates for larger deposits of more than $1 million up to $9,999,999.

Big depositors will now receive 4.30% p.a. for three months and 4.25% p.a. for four months, with interest paid end of term, as follows:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
3 months -0.05 4.30% p.a. End of term
4 months -0.05 4.25% p.a. End of term

Macquarie's best term deposit rate remains 4.60% p.a. for three months for deposits of $1 million and under, with interest paid end of term.

Bendigo giveth and taketh away

Bendigo Bank has adjusted its rates for deposits over $5,000 with some terms receiving a full percentage point boost and others losing 20 basis points, as follows:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
5 months +1.00 4.00% p.a. End of term
6 months +0.30 4.30% p.a. End of term
7 months +1.00 4.00% p.a. End of term
8 months +1.00 4.00% p.a. End of term
9 months -0.20 4.20% p.a. End of term
10 months +0.85 3.85% p.a. End of term
11 months +0.85 3.85% p.a. End of term
12 months -0.20 4.20% p.a. End of term

Bendigo's best rate for deposits over $5,000 is now 4.30% p.a. for six months with interest paid at maturity.

For depositors wanting more frequent payments, the new six-month rate drops five basis points to 4.25% p.a. for quarterly or monthly payments.

The new 12-month rate also drops five basis points to 4.15% p.a. for semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly payments.

Bank of Sydney trims highest rates

The swashbuckling rate fixers at Bank of Sydney, notorious for their grand gestures, have been a little more circumspect in their latest moves, shaving 10 basis points off their two highest rates, available to online customers only.

The new online rates are 4.85% p.a. for three months and 4.80% p.a. for six months for amounts between $1,000 and $1 million, interest paid end of term, as follows:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
3 months -0.10 4.85% p.a. End of term
6 months -0.10 4.80% p.a. End of term

Bank of Sydney once laid claim to the flat-out highest rate seen in this current tighter monetary policy period, hitting 5.50% p.a. on its 6-month rate in mid-2023.

AMP slashes by up to 30 bp

AMP Bank got the knives out for its term deposit rates this week, slashing the range of its products by between 10 and 30 basis points.

Its new best rate is 4.70% p.a. for deposits between $25,000 to $10 million invested for three months.

For smaller deposits ($5,000 to under $25,000), the three-month rate drops to 4.65% p.a. and 4.60% p.a. for six months.

Here's a look at some of AMP Bank's new TD rates below for deposits between $5,000 and under $25,000:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
3 months -0.15 4.65% p.a. End of term
4 months -0.10 4.55% p.a. End of term
5 months -0.20 4.60% p.a. End of term
6 months -0.15 4.60% p.a. End of term
7 months -0.20 4.35% p.a. End of term
8 months -0.20 4.35% p.a. End of term
9 months -0.10 4.50% p.a. End of term
10 months -0.20 4.30% p.a. End of term
11 months -0.20 4.30% p.a. End of term
12 months -0.10 4.45% p.a. End of term
2 years -0.30 3.95% p.a. Annually

The rates jump by five basis points for deposits over $25,000, paid end of term.

For more frequent payments on 12 month and two-year term deposits, the rates fall by five basis points for semi-annual payments, 10 basis points for quarterly payments, and 20 basis points for monthly payments.

Hume cuts TD special and more

Hume Bank's 100-day term deposit special rate for amounts of $1,000 and over has been cut by 20 basis points to 4.55% p.a. but remains the bank's best rate.

Here are its other rate moves this week for deposits between $1,000 and $25,000:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
100-day special -0.20 4.55% p.a. End of term
6 months -0.15 4.50% p.a. End of term
9 months -0.10 4.40% p.a. End of term
1 year -0.10 4.40% p.a. Annually

For amounts between $5,000 and $25,000, the rate changes are as follows:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
6 months -0.15 4.40% p.a. Monthly
1 year -0.10 4.30% p.a. Monthly

Military Bank leaves 5% club

Even before the RBA handed down its decision on Tuesday, Australian Military Bank had cut 20 basis points from its market leading six-month rate of 4.90% p.a. for deposits over $1,000.

Here are the new rates on its Investment Plus products:

Term % change New rate Interest paid
4 months -0.05 4.80% p.a. End of term
6 months -0.20 4.90% p.a. End of term
9 months -0.15 4.75% p.a. End of term
10 months -0.05 4.65% p.a. End of term
12 months -0.15 4.65% p.a. Annually

The same new rates apply to its Teen Plus products that accept deposits from $500 while corresponding Income Plus term deposits, with monthly interest payments, earn 10 basis points less.

Other movers

Horizon Bank has cut its term deposit rates by up to 20 basis points with its new best rate 4.50% p.a. for amounts $1,000 and over invested for nine months, with interest paid end of term.


Want to earn a fixed interest rate on your cash? The table below features term deposits with some of the highest interest rates on the market for a six-month term.


At Maturity$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]1000$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]More details
  • Competitive interest rates on all term lengths
  • Deposits covered up to $250,000 under Government's Finance Claims Scheme
  • Loyalty bonus at renewal

Personal Term Deposits - 6 months

  • Competitive interest rates on all term lengths
  • Deposits covered up to $250,000 under Government's Finance Claims Scheme
  • Loyalty bonus at renewal
At Maturity$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]5000$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]More details

Term Deposit - 6 months

    At Maturity$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]25000$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]More details

    Term Deposit - 6 months

      At Maturity$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]25000$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]More details

      Term Deposit ($25,000+) - 6 months

        At Maturity$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]5000$product[$field["value"]]$product[$field["value"]]More details

        Macquarie Bank Term Deposit (<$1,000,000) - 6 months

          Important Information and Comparison Rate Warning

          All products with a link to a product provider’s website have a commercial marketing relationship between us and these providers. These products may appear prominently and first within the search tables regardless of their attributes and may include products marked as promoted, featured or sponsored. The link to a product provider’s website will allow you to get more information or apply for the product. By de-selecting “Show online partners only” additional non-commercialised products may be displayed and re-sorted at the top of the table. For more information on how we’ve selected these “Sponsored”, “Featured” and “Promoted” products, the products we compare, how we make money, and other important information about our service, please click here. Rates correct as of March 24, 2025. View disclaimer.

          Important Information and Comparison Rate Warning

          Image by Debraj Chanda via Pexels