
Home Loan Guides

How to pay off your mortgage quickly

How can property investors minimise tax?

What was the cause of the 2008 financial crisis?

How to finance your block of land

Lesser known ways you can be rejected for a home loan

What is a rate lock?

The struggle to find a home loan as a middle-aged divorcee

How to obtain an owner builder construction loan

Recourse loans & non-recourse loans explained

How do reverse mortgages work?

What is debt recycling?

Home and contents insurance explained

Is a building and pest inspection really necessary?

Easy guide to home loan guarantors

What are the maximum interest-only periods on home loans?

What to know about the New Home Guarantee

What is ‘shared equity’?

What is a low deposit home loan?

Refinancing your investment property loan

What is an RMBS?

Home loans for single parents

What is equity in your home or property?

Home loans for the self employed

What is the cooling-off period when purchasing property?

Can I get a home loan as a pensioner?

What is an owner-occupied home loan?

Positively gearing property explained